Effective Habit Practices result in Success for Real Estate Agents
If you want to incorporate effective habit practices into your life, consider following successful people, or at least their habits. This is not to say that successful people don’t have bad habits. But on the whole, they tend to have a higher percentage of good habits. The discipline and dedication to consistently performed good habits is why they become successful.
Sean Covey, the son of the famous Stephen Covey, has written several quality books geared toward teenagers. His passion for helping kids in handling the many self-esteem issues in their lives are tremendous. Sean has been quoted at saying “We become what we repeatedly do.”
The infamous, Gandhi, offers wonderful reflection on how our actions become our habits starting with our beliefs becoming our thoughts. A true testament to how we control our ability to develop and maintain new habits. Therefore, developing an effective habit practice to have a successful life.
Successful people have a solid drive
Many successful people have books written about their success. This makes it easy to find out how they became successful and work towards doing what they did to emulate their success. The more you read about their experiences, the easier it will be to adopt what they have done. Most successful people have a solid drive and an attitude to create effective habit practices and believe that what goes wrong is just practice for what is yet to come just by fixing and refining the methods.
One of my favorite stories is about none other than Elvis Presley. No one needs to be an Elvis fan to realize what kind of impact he had on music. Elvis was so successful they called him the “King”, but did you know about what happened before that?
Don’t follow Failures
Elvis failed music classes, it was suggested that he was a social misfit, and his profession was a truck driver. He was told time after time he wasn’t going to make it, that he couldn’t sing, but he didn’t give up. Finally, his music formed a groove and the rest is history. Elvis had a simple attitude which he followed. He always said. “When things go wrong, don’t go with them.”
While successful people may have a different set of good habits that they adhere to, there will be some common themes throughout. You will likely find that many of them try to stick to a routine in their day-to-day lives. They get up at the same time every day which is often early in the morning. They go to bed early so that they get enough sleep. One thing for sure is they don’t become stagnant. Successful people are tough on themselves. They apply self-instilled pressure and don’t take breaks. Their motivation comes from a strong “Why” so they are purpose driven.
Successful people are also avid readers and strive to find effective habits that can be adopted or modified. They too have read the successes of others before them. This is what they used to create the path toward many of their success habits.
Successful people improve their health
You will find it common for successful people to eat healthy foods. This gives them the energy they need to get their work done and reduces the amount of downtime due to sluggishness or illnesses. Many will often incorporate exercise into their routine as well to be at the top of their game. If their intention is to lose some weight, they take the stairs. A new habit would be using the stairs on a daily basis and making no exception for elevator use.
Planning is key
Another habit that you will find common among successful people is they plan. They set goals and follow those goals with predetermined milestones (to do’s). This helps them determine what works and what to alter when things don’t work out as planned.
By consistently reading profiles and biographies of successful people, you will start to think as they do. This is a big step when trying to alter your behavior toward better habits. It does take practice and time. But refocusing your mind to think in similar ways to those you believe are successful, will plant the seeds towards making it happen for you.
Creating new habits is possible
Changing habits or creating new ones is never easy. Adapting a policy of working on one habit at a time is a good practice. Following the success of others will go a long way in developing your own routines towards success. Who knows? Perhaps someday people will be reading about you when you publish your biography based on the successes that you will achieve.
“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.” ― Gandhi
About the Author
Cindy Bishop was born and raised in Northern Virginia. She was a real estate agent before transitioning to coaching in her expertise areas of real estate business performance and accountability. She lives in Fredericksburg, VA, has been married for 35 years, and is an animal lover through and through. Books to her credit are on topics in Communication skills, Topics to assist agents with client enrichment, Habits, and other soft skill development skills. You can find her books here.
A very worthwhile blog library can be found here.
Coaching with Cindy in the areas of Real Estate Sales Performance or Accountability, send her a message for a consultation or check our her companies Group or Private Coaching Program.
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