The Real Estate Agents Guide to Open Houses
Price: $18.95
The Real Estate Agents Guide to Open Houses will bring value to your business by structuring a time efficient and effective event to maximize results.
What is the primary reason why Open Houses are so important?
Done right, an Open House will give you contact with people who are not only looking to purchase a house, but those home owners that want to sell.
As important as buyers are to your business, a seller is more important. Ever heard that a "listing agent lasts?" Well, its true and you want to secure a template that makes you the CEO of your own business.
The structure of a well done Open House will result in great traffic, prospective buyers and sellers contacting you, and a busier happier agent.
In this Guide you will learn:
Marketing strategies
How to gain clients loyalty
Methods to stand out
Unique open house templates
Why open houses secure listings
How to structure a perfect event
Learn about the following:
The Importance of communication
How to embrace the benefit of speaking
Finding the right words to say
Learning proper etiquette face to face
...and so much more