Dear Friends,
I hope this finds you healthy and adjusting to your new life with Covid 19, with the uncertainty, disruptions to daily life, and concern for well-being (physical, mental, emotional and financial). All this, of course, increasing our anxiety.
I am responding to the challenge of staying well by making the following offer:
I have supplements, homeopathic remedies, and both Chinese & Western herbs that will boost your immune system and give you a better chance of not contracting Covid 19 (or any other viral or bacterial infection).
If you do get sick, these wonderful, safe remedies will help you recover and decrease the severity of the illness. As a functional medical practitioner, I have provided preventative solutions and treatment of viral and bacterial infections for many years with outstanding results for patients, family and friends.
I have the technology to teleconference, if you have access to a computer or wish to have a phone consultation. I can schedule a conference and discuss your needs, and if you want supplements/ remedies, I can mail them to you or to people you are concerned about.
Remember, it is your immune system that will protect you and your family from Covid 19, as well as other infections. A strong immune system will also help minimize the severity of any illness and decrease the recovery time from infection.
- Avoid inflammatory foods
- Avoid excess use of alcohol & recreational drugs
- Practice good sleep hygiene
- Maintain daily health practices: exercise, supplements, and medications
- Minimize stress: practice being in the moment (yes, easier said than done), and carve out a bit of time to do something that brings you joy!
- IF you have seasonal allergies, limit your exposure to allergens
Now, for stress…I consider this a critical aspect of staying well, and it includes connecting with others, asking for help when needed, and providing help to others. We are in this together!
My personal approach to stress is simple: Identify the stressors, explore possible strategies to reduce or eliminate them, then choose ONE or TWO ideas to implement. Finally, don’t be rigid about sticking to the plan. This is trial-&-error, so change the plan as needed. Somehow having a plan minimizes the chaos in the mind. The Japanese have a wonderful word for this moment in our history, “Sejaku”, meaning “Serenity in the Midst of Chaos”.
Remember the brilliant words of philosopher, BIG BIRD, “Everybody Makes Mistakes.” Be easy on yourself and on others, (the former being by far the more difficult to accomplish).
Please call if you’d like to schedule a tele-medicine meeting to customize an IMMUNE-BOOSTING protocol for you, your local family/friends or living in another area. My years of research and refining my approach has resulted in a huge reduction in flu and other infections for patients, family and friends. Thus far, we have no Covid 19 cases.
Barbara, Mary, and I miss seeing you in the office.
Wishing you good health, a peaceful heart, & the eyes to see the joy in the present moment,
Shep Saltzman
Integrative Medicine of Northern VA (703) 915-1369
A message from Cindy Bishop about Shep Saltzman.
Shep has been a life saver for me over the years. He is one of the most knowledgeable health care professionals I have ever worked with. If something isn’t right, Shep gets the first call. He has nursed my Lyme disease into remission, controlled my overabundance of inflammation, and has maintained my health successfully.