In our society, one of the most valuable tools we have is communication, which is an art that has been around for centuries and has developed over time as the human species has evolved. First, there were images on cave walls, these morphed into word symbols and spoken language started with simple grunts and sounds that had meaning. Pretty soon words were written down and yet another way to communicate was born. The evolution of communication has been in a constant state of growth and development, and it will always be in flux.
As a real estate agent, the difference between success and low sales often comes down to one’s ability to clearly and effectively speak on the topics required. One of the most important things that agents can do is to communicate well with their buyers and sellers, as well as their colleagues.
Another essential component of communication is how closely it ties into understanding and meeting the needs of others. Miscommunication often stems from our misconception of how much we are actually communicating. According to Psychology Today, people often think they are communicating more than they actually are, and more clearly than they really are. This is what leads to things becoming mixed up, forgotten and just plain confusing. When agents fail to adequately communicate their thoughts and intentions to others, they open up the door to lost sales, incomplete projects and conflict.
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